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Promotionskolleg für Intersektionalitätsstudien

PKIS - Promotionskolleg 053 - Hans Böckler Stiftung

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Spring School 13th - 16th of February 2025

The Doctoral School for Intersectionality Studies (Promotionskolleg für Intersektionalitäts-
studien, PKIS) invites engaged scholars and activists to its first International Spring School.
Established in 2022, the PKIS is Europe’s first Doctoral School and research hub exploring
intersectionality. With our spring school, we want to create a space for collective learning, embrace and expand Intersectionality as a critical tool of analysis and practice in our context and
beyond. The Spring School will take place from 13 th-16th of February 2025 on the campus of
the University of Bayreuth.

Registrations are accepted under the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/NJJBYVhXxJ

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Dr. Mario Faust-Scalisi

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